Welcome To The Strikepoint Gold HUB On AGORACOM

Focused on the Rice Lake Gold Belt

Message: East West ?

Army, Marum has changed their name to Strike point Gold ( SKP ). The Strikepoint claims lye on the North side of the rice lake and run in a West /East direction along Sans claims. We have a 50/ 50 JV with San on these claims and Sans current drilling is heading our way. I think ( just my opinion ) our new name will give us good exposer to the market as this property once had a past producing mine ( 1934 ). Strike point Gold also holds a very large land package on the Belt which holds alot of old past producing mines. Strike Point has not done any promotion as of yet, but now with the LIDAR complete, i think things will soon get started. Traps7..

Detailed Quote - Strikepoint Gold Inc. - website unknown - click here to add
Sym-X Bid - Ask Last Chg % Vol $Vol #Trade Open-Hi-Lo Year Hi-Lo Last Trade News Delay
SKP - V 10.0 0.185 · 0.20 13.0 0.20 39.0 8 4 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.225 0.025 15:05:15 Jun 26 15 min RT 2.0¢
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