Welcome To The Strikepoint Gold HUB On AGORACOM

Focused on the Rice Lake Gold Belt

Message: Cohen (traps)

goldfisher, i do see a disconnect between skp and sgr although we are joined at the hip. Strike Point does allow Sans management a back door exit if they get taken out but i don"t see that happening any time soon. Sans top notch geologist have compared SKP as a mirror of their side of the fence and looking back at ACA howe 2000 report so have they. I see from Sans 43-101 2004 report we could have 3 major structures on our side and i think the Lidar would have confirmed this hence the reason Dundee step up with cash. I guess if SKP can prove up a hinge or two then this would add yrs of mining life to San because of the close proximity as i see yrs out this area being tied into their mining plane. I see SKP following the same foot prints as Rubicon as San has been compared to GoldCorp SKP has this potential. Lets not forget SKP also controls a huge area of the Green-Belt which hold past producing mines that once supported communities back in the 30 t's and later. Vanson mine and Luana are sitting on major faults on SKP plus others.

VANSON MINE (Syndicate Nos. 9, 10)
1985 - Walter N. Baker
15 Kirkland Street
Swastika, ON P0K 1T0
51° 02.8’
95° 39.2’
Uncertainty (m)
50 m
UTM Zone
L.S./Quarter Section
13 EPM
Gold is found in northwest trending shear zones that dip steeply north. The southern part of the property is underlain by Precambrian metasediments. Granitic rocks outcrop in the northern sector. Foliation in the granite follows the contact between it and the metasediments. The shaft, as well as most exploratory work, was located in the metasediments.
The metasediments are quartzites and greenstones. The latter contain chlorite, hornblende, epidote, and quartz, and are often altered and sheared. Quartz veins in the greenstones are discontinuous and varying in width. They are primarily lenticular. Aplite dykes are sometimes associated with the greenstone lenses.
Ore was taken from two veins. The shaft was sunk on Vein No. 1. Vein No.\2, intersected on the 69 m level in the shaft, gave some high assays, but overall assays were erratic. Iron sulphides were found in another vein on this level. A fault intersects the shaft at a depth of 38 m. Some of the quartz veins widen with depth.
The deposit is located about 2.4 km northeast of the San Antonio Mine, north of the Wanipigow (Hole) River and 1.6 km north of Provincial Road No.\304. Early staking of the property was as follows:

1924 Syndicate No. 9 38054 E. Arnovitch
- assigned to R.W. Killey in 1927
1924 Syndicate No. 10 38066 S. Bubis
- assigned to R.W. Rilley in 1925.

The claims were explored and developed by a syndicate. A shaft on Syndicate No. 9 was begun in 1926 and 1927. In 1935 this shaft was deepened and expanded until it reached a depth of 148 m. In 1932 Vanson Gold Mines Limited was formed and took control of Syndicate No. 9 and 10, along with several other claims. A 23 tonne capacity mill was installed in 1933. This mill proved unsatisfactory and was replaced by a 2-stamp mill with a capacity of about 16.3 tonnes per day. Newspaper reports mention the ore was running $11 per tonne and some gold was produced (Manitoba Mines Branch). Some trenching was done on other Syndicate claims. Spectacular high grade ore was reported in 1932 and 1934 (Manitoba Mines Branch, Company Report 1932). Early in 1934 Vanson Manitoba Gold Mines Limited took control of Vanson Gold Mines Limited.
By February of 1935 the shaft was completed. It had four levels, of which the 69 m and the 145 m levels were most developed. Channel samples on the 69 m level of the No. 2 vein yielded assays of trace to 27.09 g/tonne (0.79 oz/ton) gold. Cross-cuts were made on all levels. John Houston observed visible gold all the way down the shaft. He also recommended more exploration before any further development (Manitoba Mines Branch).
A company town was built; and equipment was converted from steam to electricity. Diamond drilling totalling 277 m was done from the bottom of the shaft. Small isolated high grade occurrences were noted by J.A. Reid in his report to the company, however he did not think they were of economic importance (Manitoba Mines Branch).
Samples from the 145 m level gave assay values of less than 0.69 g/tonne (0.02 oz/ton) gold. The drill hole in the bottom of the shaft gave similar values.
Houston and Reid did not feel the property could be economically developed, and operations were discontinued in 1935. In July 1953, the claims were cancelled.
In 1953 John Donner and G. Fontane staked Rita 21 (W 22022) and Rita 26 (W 20027), respectively. Ownership was transferred to Art Callari in 1969. The claims lapsed in 1974.
In 1978 W. Baker and C.J. Baker staked W 46004 and CB 9591, respectively, over the deposit. Esso Resources Canada Limited acquired the property in 1980 and carried out geological mapping, line cutting, and prospecting in 1981. Ownership of the claims was transferred to W. Baker in 1985.
Production Gold Est.
(Tonnes) g (oz.) Fineness Process
18 79.9 (2.57) 800 amalgamation in Tremain mill
Source: Reid (1935)
Amukun, S.E., 1969: Petrology of the Gold-bearing Vein Rocks from Bissett Area, Southeast Manitoba; University of Manitoba, Unpublished M.Sc Thesis.
Davies, J.F., 1949: Geology of the Wanipigow Lake area; Manitoba Mines Branch, Report 48-2.
Davies, J.F., 1950: Geology of the Wanipigow River Area; Manitoba Mines Branch; Publication 49-3.
Davies, J.F., 1963: Geology of Gold Deposits of the Rice Lake-Wanipigow River area, Manitoba; University of Toronto, Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis.
Bannatyne, B.B., Barry, G.S. and McCabe, H.R., 1962: Geology and Mineral Resources of Manitoba; Manitoba Mines Branch.
DeLury, J.S., 1920: Mineral Prospects in Southeastern Manitoba, Rice Lake, Maskwa River, and Boundary Districts; Manitoba Government Bulletin.
DeLury, J.S., 1927: The Mineral Resources of Southeastern Manitoba; Rice Lake District, Oiseau River District, Boundary District; Industrial Development Board, Manitoba.
Ermanovics, I.F., 1970: Precambrian Geology of Hecla-Carroll Lake Map Area, Manitoba-Ontario; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 69-42.
Manitoba Mines Branch: Corporation Files; Vanson Manitoba Mines Limited.
Marr, J., 1970: Petrology of the Northern Granitic Rocks Wanipigow River; University of Manitoba, Unpublished M.Sc Thesis.
McRitchie, W.D. and Weber, W. et al., 1971: Geology and Geophysics of the Rice Lake Region, Southeastern Manitoba (Project Pioneer); Manitoba Mines Branch, Publication 71-1.
Reid, J.A., 1935: Report on the Vanson Manitoba Gold Mines Limited, Manitoba Mines Branch, Corporation Files, Vanson Manitoba Gold Mines Limited.
Stephenson, J.F., 1972: Gold Deposits of the Rice Lake-Beresford Lake Area, Southeastern Manitoba; University of Manitoba, Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis.
Stockwell, C.H., 1938: Rice Lake-Gold Lake Area, Southeastern Manitoba; Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 210.
Stockwell, C.H., 1942: Preliminary Map, Rice Lake; Geological Survey of Canada, Publication 49-15.
Stockwell, C.H., 1945: Rice Lake (marginal notes); Geological Survey of Canada.
Wright, J.F., 1923: ice Lake Map Area, Southeastern Manitoba; Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report 1922, Part C.
Wright, J.F., 1932: Geology and Mineral Deposits of a Part of Southeastern Manitoba; Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 169.
Map 52 M/4, Wanipigow (Topographic), Scale 1:50 000, Surveys & Mapping Branch, Ottawa.
Map 1992, Portion of Rice Lake Mining District, southeast Manitoba (Geological), Scale 1:63/360; accompanying report by Wright (1923); Geological Survey of Canada.
Map 11-1969, Hecla and Carroll Lake (Geological), Scale 1:250 000 - Accompanying report by Ermanovics (1970), Geological Survey of Canada.
Map 71-1/4, Geology of the Wanipigow River-Manigotagan River Region (Geological), Scale 1:63\360; accompanying report by McRitchie and Weber (1971), Manitoba Mines Branch.
Map 810 A, Rice Lake (Geological), Scale 1:63 360; accompanying marginal notes by Stockwell (1945), Geological Survey of Canada.
Map 49-3, Wanipigow River area (Geological), Scale 1:31 680; accompanying report by Davies (1950), Manitoba Mines Branch.
Map 42-15, Rice Lake (Geological), Scale 1:31 680; accompanying marginal notes by Stockwell (1942), Geological Survey of Canada.
Map (unpublished), Geology of the Rice Lake-Wanipigow River area (Geological), Scale 1:31 680; accompanying Ph.D. thesis by Davies (1963).
Map 4073G, Wanipigow (Aeromagnetic), Scale 1:63 360, Manitoba Mines Branch and Geological Survey of Canada.
Claim Map Series 52 M/4SE, Scale 1:31 680, circa 1953, Mining Recording, Manitoba Mines Branch.
Surface work was done on Syndicate No. 7 (W 38055). A vein was traced for 186 m. Trenching, pits and diamond drilling revealed samples which assayed from 0.34 g/tonne (.01 oz/ton) to 20.2 g/tonne (0.59 oz/ton), with 0.34 g/tonne (.01 oz/ton) being the normal value. Heavy overburden halted trenching and necessitated drilling. Width of the vein ranged from 1.22 to 3.1 m. Showings in Syndicate No. 7 were found in schist enclosed by gneissic granite. The enclosed rock is probably a highly altered basic dyke or a greenstone inclusion.
Surface sampling of other Syhdicate claims gave assay values of trace to 0.69 g/tonne (0.02 oz/ton) gold.
The deposit is probably related to the gold deposit on Luana M.C. (52 M/4, AU 13) about 5.6 km southeast of Syndicate No. 9 and 10.
Compiled/Revised by:
07-74 08-85
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