..Old Hound, according to history around the Greens there is mention of 5 or more deformations . ACA Howe reports document Sans geology pouring into Golden Pockets who could also hold a major treasure chest. There is also a old shaft out on the Rice Lake island and a number of old shaft workongs heading South West. I think now that Bill Ferreira has a handle on the geology, it is just a matter of time before the pencil if found.
Due to the successful identification and localization of altered volcanic rocks, StrikePoint and San Gold have agreed to initiate a follow-up program that has just started to investigate additional structures to the west along strike with intermediate to mafic volcanic rocks of the Bidou Assemblage. The program is designed to test ground magnetic lows that strike northeast and parallel to the 16-type structures, and eastward. A possible anticlinal folds axis through Round Lake volcanic rocks will also be targeted. Traps7