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Message: I talked to management today.

I talked to management today.

posted on Sep 19, 2008 01:51PM

Very upbeat conversation.

News next week as the pre-feasibility study is now complete.

Upon returning from Ireland Crichy and some management met with some companies in Toronto earlier this week. Great news, it appears that we have secured all the funding we will need for all drilling plans for 2009 that will take us all the way to a measured resource. Most likely we will have a 4th drill moved in. The PP will be done at a premium to the share price. And will not likely happen till later in the fall/early winter in hopes the share price will be much higher and after a couple of press releases not much doubt it will be higher.

Meetings with the company who has used equipment went very well. They liked what they read in the pre-econ report. They decided to have a peak at the pre-feasibility report before anything will be made official. If appears to me that this company is not looking at selling the equipment but bringing it with them?

Meeting with Sprott went well. This may be good for all moly companies as I asked CC if he asked Eric why he sold all the physical moly in his molyfund and the reply was like this, "I can make far more money financing these beaten down juniors than I can holding physical moly".

Everything looks good and progressing favorably.


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