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Message: Re: Jim Sinclair's latest......got tre??

Firstly, the whole point of my diatribes is to try a learn something I don't know. It is not to be a spoiler. That is a waste of tiem.

Why is it TRE is missing an entire leg up in gold? It has so badly underperformed and I want to know why? The more I understand the more money I make. Obviously the markets considers Sinclair's pronouncements a lot of bull, bluff and hype.

If TRE has such awesome 43-101's and such rich properties why are the markets so unwilling to invest?

This is what I want to understand because this is where the money is. You think I am saying that TRE has no future. I am not saying that. I am asking some hard questions no one wants to answer not even Sinclair. To blame this all on the shorts is a little too convenient.

My asking these questions reveals two things. One you do not know the answers and that is not good because it shows a lack of understanding in this game. If you did know the answer believe me it would translate into greater profits for you.

Keep in mind TRE has been depressed for almost 4 years and is showing no signs of life. To say blindly that Sincalir will come through is absurd. Sinclair is not god and even with the best of intentions he can fail. That is reality.

I can only assume you have never been in corporate staff meetings where you are grilled brutally about your business plan. I have many times. I am only doing the same with you only I am watering my interrogations way down. I am being nice.

Right now TRE has entered a window where it could go up or down. There is nothing to indicate that TRE is going back up. It could very well go back down if the shorts are good enough. The point here is that if in the next 2 weeks TRE does not make a move up, it is headed back down into oblivion.

Right now TRE is headed back to test 6.50. If that does not hold it is back down to 5.75. This is very possible and makes a lot of sense in order to fleece all the pie eyed rookies out of their shares. This would make TRE really lean. This makes sense.

What I do not know is if the players on the long side are not engineering this just to pick up more shares real cheap before going long if they do.

As of now there is no indication TRE is headed back up. I keep saying that and I have seen nothing to see any different. Sinclair is playing this game like a billionaire. He is in no real hurry.

With respect to your query about selling at 5.75, you have missed my point. Why would would I sell you the shares at 5.75 when I can sell them at 6.50? I am planning on buying another 65,000 shares if it drops at 5.75 with some tight stops. It's an educated gamble.

I have learned the personality of this stock now and it can be very deceptive. There is an outside chance Sinclair might succeed against the odds and unless he is totally lying about what he has annouunced, he may succeed. No one will pay me tens of millions of dollars in profits without making me work for it. In this case I have learned to hunt the TRE elephant. I've not learned to slaughter it yet.

You should embrace my questions and consider this as a staff metting where the what if's are being brutally fought over. There is no other way. It is easy when engaging in this manner to think that the questioner is saying that you are going to fail. If that is the case you have not asked the hard hitting questions and come up with plausible answers. That is my impression.

The last job I had 25 years ago was working for the chairman of the noard of a Fortune 500 company. When grilling me about my business plan if I had told him not to worry and that things would work out eventually he would have skinned me alive right then and there. I had to have plan A, B, C, and D and they had to be measurable and quantifiable especially in time.

That is what I am looking for in my queestions on this forum. The answers I am getting from you are akin to:" Have faith. He will rpovide." That is a recipe for disaster.

Don't be afraid to dig and dig deep for plausible answers and not feel good crap!

Dec 21, 2010 07:16PM
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