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Message: Jim Sinclair's latest......got tre??

This is what I am talking about.

Even with seemingly great news, TRE is underperforming badly.

The charting is indicating that TRE will be depressed for a few more weeks which leads me to believe that the January 11, 2010 strike 10 call holders are going to get their clocks cleaned all 22,000. This is not good PR for the good guys.

We are in a window that if TRE does not make its move in the next few weeks it will collapse substantially. The charting is revealing all this. There is a 5% short postion on this stock or 5 million shares which means there is a substantially bet that TRE will get cloobered.

TRE has to make its move in the next few weeks or it will be back down to 2.
The question then becomes why with all this stellar news is TRE so lame?

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