Welcome To The Tanzanian Royalty Exploration HUB On AGORACOM

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Message: Jim Sinclair's latest......got tre??

Here is what we know.

TRE is still in a downward cycle. It needs to make its move now or the capital will reload somewhere else. It might or might not go down to 2. It would go to the next level of support and if that does not hold further down.

TRE has 5% of its outstanding stock short or roughly 5 million shares. For every penny TRE goes up the shorts are down $50,000. The shorts will fight this tooth and nail even if it means trashing it back down by any means. This is a big weight on the stock's back and there may be some insurmountable obstacles in the short run.

At the same time, Sinclair may pull a rabbit out of the hat and faciliatate a breakout. The window is now. there is not much more time to wait.

With respect to the agm, I won't be attending. I already know what will be said. It is not hard to figure out.

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