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Message: Re: hey gil...

Feb 17, 2011 10:53PM
Feb 23, 2011 12:12PM

Feb 23, 2011 02:20PM
Feb 25, 2011 09:59AM
Feb 25, 2011 05:37PM
Feb 26, 2011 12:52PM
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Feb 28, 2011 04:48PM

Feb 28, 2011 05:36PM
Mar 02, 2011 02:49PM
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Mar 03, 2011 07:57AM

Mar 03, 2011 08:23AM

Ah! Finally a timid sould puts his toe in the water and asks this author to risk himself once again with specific targets. Notice I am the only one stepping up with the guts to do it a lot like Sinclair took a flying leap with the 1650 projection only to get clobbered.

I will be happy to.

I learned a long time ago that if you do not quantify and measure your objective you will hide from your failures and never get anywhere. The only difference with the way I look at things from just about everyone else is that failure is the portal you have to go through to get to your successes.

Without failure you can never ever succeed.

People like Von Missed-It on this blog do not have the stomach to graciously face failure and therefore spout endless cliches about how success was had in the past therefore it is to be had in the future. Ridiculous. Ask the tens of millions who own real esate what they think of such nonsense.

Give me a day or two to see how to approach this. Can I post charts on this forum? Not sure how. That has a lot to do with my outlook.

I will say this many times. Before we start this technical discussion, this will not be about bashing whether TRE has tremendous potential or not. Clearly there are many ingredients for creating value in this company. That I will concede.

The problem is that technical charting simply does not lie. It has not lied in the 5 years plus I've owned TRE. The charting has been 100% accurate regardless of what Sinclair has said. One of the salient reasons TRE has been so lazy in its price action is that it is having trouble creating value and the big players are very cautious wanting to see value before pushing the stock higher. They do not see it yet.

There is no sense in saying that it has come up hundreds of percentage points since its bottom around 2. That is irrelevant unless you want to trade. As an investor what matters is that TRE has been in the dumps since it hit 9. In other words I am using that IBD standard that unless a stock breaks out of its all time high it is not demonstrating increased value.

Right now TRE is not exhibiting more value. It is exhibiting less value. The obvious way to see this is that at $700 gold TRE was at 9. At $1400 gold TRE is at 6.50. If you cannot see the stark decline in value there is no hope for you. If TRE kept up with its value it should be at 18.

Right now TRE is in a downward trend. That is fact.

Let me get my charting together and I'll post in a few days with some rpojections. Thanks.Gil

Mar 05, 2011 09:43AM
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