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Message: TRX Cycle

OK. Let's see what kind of brain trust we habe here.

If you look at the TRX 60 minute chart, it looks like it has created temporary support at 6.20.

From the price action we could be looking at an ABC corection on its way back up or the start of wave 3 down on the way to 5.50.

Which is it? Now before Von-Missed-It starts hypeventilating that I am trying to drive the price down, let us be clear. This is a question designed to see what kind of brain power we have on this site. This is the only way you guys are going to stop self deceiving and start developing some real brain power. this is also not a question abouth TRX has potential or not. Even with all the potetnial to not expect seroius bumps along the way is really reckless.

It is a simple question. Either we are looking at an ABC, leg 3 down or we simply do not know and it could go either way.

Consider this a staff meeting where you have to earn your keep and defend your positions or be fired.

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