Welcome To The Tanzanian Royalty Exploration HUB On AGORACOM

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Message: You have to love this quote

"Everything is great at the company. Meanwhile the shareholders have lost close to $500 million dollars in stock value. The shorts that were supposed to get a religious experience of a lifetime have gotten away with everything and trounced the shareholders, production won't be for another 2 years and TRX is sinking in a downtrend that it shows no signs of getting out of."

Shareholders have only lost if they decide to sell now. The TNX play didn't end last week it just started. In fact the big technical question going forward is who the hell is going to come up with enough volume to ever break those 1.56 levels again. What funds, which individuals, which big time shareholders are remaining to break that level? Think about it? Who else remaining has huge leverage and margin exposure with counterparty risk like Geier did? Jim never said when the shorts will get their religious experience did he. The game is still being played out. We have a long way to go.

I went to a gold show a couple weeks back meeting with several companies that were located in Tanzania and have considerable knowledge of the Tanzanian landscape. They all indicated they would kill to have the properties that TNX held.

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