Out Of Many, GoliathTreasury Moves Toward Feasibility in Ontario
By Greg KleinIt began as a case of fragmented ownership, explains Treasury Metals President/CEO Martin Walter. Teck Resources made the discovery in the early 1990s while exploring Ontario’s Kenora Mining District. Corona Gold came in as a JV partner. Then Laramide Resources staked the down-dip portion of the project. “Corona Gold and Laramide decided to put both parts of the project together, and that’s what constitutes Treasury Metals today,” Walter says. And, as if completing an Old Testament genealogy, Treasury begat Goliath.
The Goliath Gold Project, that is. Once the properties were assembled into a single 49-square-kilometre entity, Treasury began drilling in earnest. A resource estimate came out in 2009 and a PEA in 2010. An updated resource is scheduled for November with full feasibility to follow.
the rest of this article.