Message: Spoke to JP

Jan 30, 2008 10:24AM

Jan 30, 2008 10:32AM

Jan 30, 2008 05:09PM

Jan 30, 2008 05:56PM

Jan 31, 2008 06:43AM

Jan 31, 2008 07:09AM
Jan 31, 2008 09:41AM

After a bit of back and forth, Jim Puplava and I connected this afternoon and talked for about 45 minutes.  As you may know from his FS Newshour, Jim has a plethora of information and when he starts to talk you have to be writing fast or have a good memory.  I tried to do both but will only relay the Tyhee info here, according to his opinion of course.  Some of this information is also best confirmed with Dave Webb himself to be 100% sure:

Question:  When will Dave Webb be interviewed again on FSN?

Answer:  Within the next 3 to 4 weeks Jim will be conducting a lengthy interview with Dave.

Question:  Why does Jim think that Yellowknife would be a mine when we do not have a pre-feasbility study done?

Answer:   In this age of Junior mining/exploration having a great demand on human resources, there is a shortage of personnel and things can get backlogged.  Keith Barron (yes, the Geologist) and Dave are good friends from a long ways back...they used to be room mates.  Keith walked the Big Sky grounds with Dave and from his experienced dealings with that large finding in Ecuador (hint: begins with "A") this site has 7 of the 9 attributes he looks for.   If Keith says there will be a mine there....you can bet there will be a mine there.

Question:  How does JP determine whether drill results are "spectacular"?  (a word he has used to describe Tyhee).

Answer:  Anything  that is 6-8 grams/ton or more and has the potential to allow for open pit mining is spectacular. 

Those were the only questions I received from the people here but I will offer more info that he talked about:

As you may know JP has certain criteria which a property must meet in order for him to have an interest...both financial and otherwise.  Tyhee meets all of those criteria. 

1)  It's in a "mining friendly" country. i.e. Canada

2)  It has easy access to an energy/power plant (Big Sky and Yellowknife are literally right next door).

3)  Mining has been done there before.  (Yes, as history has shown and as the Discovery Mine has proven)

4)  Drill results have proven there is much more of a resource there...and if there is some found even deeper it is worth that much more.

Dave is looking at buying a mill and moving it over to the property and processing the ore there.

If there is ever a buyout offer of significant amount (I won't print the amount here) then it could be easily sold (we all have our price, right?)

There is a line in the sand at .40 cents.  If you can get Tyhee anywhere near there, good luck.  This thing is already way undervalued. 

The rest of the conversation centered around games being played in the markets by some big players.  Again, I won't go into too much detail on that but just be aware that a low share price does not often reflect its true value and there are very big "shareholders" out there who will do whatever they can to get your cheap shares just to able to sell them back to you when they want to make some money at a later date.  But there are equally big pockets of money out there just waiting for the opportunity to buy them that cheap.  And it all happens very, very fast when the decision is made one way or the other.

Lastly, he is thinking of doing a segment just on "Chat Rooms/Bulletin Boards" and all the games that are being played.  Anyone who is experienced here will know what that is all about.

I hope that helps?

Crow  { 



Jan 31, 2008 12:50PM

Jan 31, 2008 02:28PM

Jan 31, 2008 02:58PM

Jan 31, 2008 03:38PM
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