Message: ICE ROAD to TYHEE site


posted on Feb 11, 2008 09:01PM

FYI, i've been watching the local ice road openings. the ice road up to the diamond mine gets all the attention, but in this 7 Feb update, I found an entry that we TDC investors may find interesting:


Secondary Route (RTL - Robinson Enterprises Ltd)

The road has been cleared to full width up to Thistlewaite Lake and within two days will be completed to the end of Smoky Lake. Flood crews continue focus flooding on areas that are under 25 inches on Thistlewaite and southern portion of Smoky Lake.

A complete profile from Prosperous Lake to Giauque Lake will be completed on Friday in preparation for the start of hauling freight into Tyhee. All ice information and allowable weights will be forwarded to Tyhee and all potential haulers.

Ice thicknesses on Giauque Lake have minimums of 29 inches and mostly 31 + inches. Thistlewaite has currently a minimum of 22 inches but mostly 29 + inches. Smoky Lake has minimums of 22 inches. The combination of continued cold weather and focused flooding on the northern cleared sections will increase ice thicknesses over the next week.


What this means is that there may soon be some interesting loads heading up the ice road that are TDC related... I'll keep watching sites of interest, and let you all know if I learn anything noteworthy.

I've also been looking for an ice road map that shows which route goes by Gordon Lake and the Discovery site...but can't find a detailed one showing where the secondary road to the Discovery Mine site cuts off...
This link, to Nuna Logistics, may be of interest. They are a local / Northern company that may get some work from TDC, as they have the scale of operations and local personnel that would be needed.


Once the ice road to the Tyhee properties is operational, and loads are going in, it might be nice to read a press release from TDC about that. Up here in the north, knowing that supplies (fuel, mining equipment, shot-crete etc) are on the move is always a welcome sight in February...

Does TDC not have a Public Affairs officer?

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