Hi guys and gals,
Please help me out here; I'm getting a bit frustrated...
So what is the thinking behind those selling constantly at .46 or .45?
1) We got these shares a lot cheaper through warrants, etc. and we had better sell before the share price goes up...
2) We want to scare these little guys like Stone from Canada into selling his shares; we can see him shaking already
3) We are rich anyway and that new Mercedes is looking good so let's pay for it by cashing in some Tyhee.
I don't know why, but more than ever over the past two years plus I have held Tyhee, I feel pressure building: pressure that something is about to happen and pressure that my frustration is pushing me to head to the door.
Can anyone enlighten me as to what the thinking is behind the sales patterns seen in Tyhee?
P.S. I can't even go kick a soccer ball; there's too much snow here!