Message: Baies2 Bashing.


My sense is that there are those who, for whatever reasons, want Tyhee to fail. I want Tyhee to succeed. If this is what a pumper is, then I'm a pumper. And, to that extent, perhaps we're all pumpers.

During the last two years, I think that I must have written more than a thousand stockhouse posts. It's no secret that I have been bullish and long on Tyhee. I like the company. Cheering it on has been a pleasure for me. But, clearly annoying to others who are not as impressed with Tyhee as I am.

In January this year, after deciding that the level of personal animosity at Stockhouse had reached an intolerable level, I joined this forum. Since then, most if not all of Stockhouse's Tyhee posters came here too. I encouraged many to leave and come here to post. I'm sure that didn't endear me to those that remained.

Stockhous was my posting home. I (we) were, in a sense, forced out of an enjoyable place where a free dialogue could take place without devaluing personal attacks. Sadly, at SH.com that was no longer possible when most of us signed up here at Agoracom.

I would like to see this forum be a place where all views can be expressed but where those views are substantiated. And, where personal attacks have no place. In a word, I want this forum to be civil.

Que tenga buen dia, hasta luego,


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