Interesting nomme de guerre, "Truth Machine". Do you have access to some Platonic realm of the ideal truth? I subscribe to a more socratic dialectic, examining an idea or argument without claiming access to The Truth.
The personal attack on B2 by 20 was out of line. Comments attacking a person's integrity...come on.
Would 20 really talk to someone like that in person?
The conversation between him, B2 and I could be toned down, but really, what difference does the sale of puny quantities of TDC stock really make?
The important issues here are about the long timeframe, scant information, benchmarks to achieve and barriers to overcome in reaching the point of production and earnings.
How much do 20's and other "truths" contribute to us all knowing how Tyhee is doing? Little, in my view.
Review post histories, and ask yourself "what does this have to do with my investment and prospects with Tyhee?".