Not much, but I love his style. He sounds like a cocky Californian in his 30s. I am in my early 30s, and am a refugee from California. So, I know the type well.
We know that he:
- Does not seek attention. I think Jim has to drag him out sometimes.
- Loves to study markets.
- Understands mass and individual psychology very well.
- Is married to someone who respects what he does named "Liz."
- He frequents all the key sites: Sinclair, GATA, FSN, Ted Butler, and a few others.
- Not afraid to state that there is a manipulation and, yes, conspiracy, in the gold sector. This takes real courage. There's a book you might want to buy called "None Dare Call it a Conspiracy."
- Breaks some key trading rules, because he knows that the gold sector is different. Sometimes you have to average down into weakness. Sometimes you don't cut your losers.
- Great at calling a reversal.
- Willing to help the little guy.
- He has the respect of Jim P. and John, and possibly Jim Dines as well. JP's vote of confidence is huge.
- A contrarian.
- Willing to buy and hold juniors, but also trades senior producers.
- Humble enough to admit a mistake in front of 600,000+ people.
- Willing to share specialized knowledge and fight the power.
- Has proprietary indicators.
- Knows how to have a good time.
I'd say that's a lot, though perhaps my affections are extreme. I'd welcome the chance to meet him, though I've never written him.
How much do we know about you?