I was at a Welcome Party for my wife as she entered her new position as a tenure-track professor at a university. We talked of many things, social security, falling dollar, Bush's foreign policy. Keep in mind that this is the Political Science Department of a liberal school and virtually everyone is a leftist.
What was interesting is that one of the other professors mentioned the Amero as a possible competing currency with the dollar, and the other professor AGREED. I was under the impression that this was TINFOIL HAT stuff and would never have brought it up in such a situation. That is to say, anyone operating the mainstream would laugh at you. I was so surprised, I did not know what to say.
Both professors seemed to think this was a terrific first step toward a regional currency, which was a stepping stone to a Global currency.
Would the Amero be convertible to gold as the dollar falls? Or would it be fiat through and through, and possibly be backed by gold in the future if confidence fails yet again? How does Jim Sinclair's theory about the Federal Reserve Gold Certificate Ratio fit in?