be careful with the HyperInf. happening in the US , history also shows that the senior currency strenghtens in a contraction as a deleveraging occurs. For the bigger picture I have being paying attention to Bob Hoye (Howestreet) and so far he is tracking the best. He has the best historical perspective of any any analyst out there, but he doesn't buy into the conventional gold bug thesis but he does like gold for different reasons, his latest advise for subscribers is that gold and gold shares will start to perform after Oct. and that gold will perform better then other commodities (including silver). I get his newsletter and it has saved me many $$ .
I am trying to be more unbiased , and let the market lead the way, however it is hinting that the Hyperinflation may not happen, Tim wood is starting to get confirmation on his idea with the CRB and longer term cycles, so listen to the market.