Message: Contingency Plan for Rising Dollar

Contingency Plan for Rising Dollar

posted on Oct 22, 2008 09:52PM

...aside from puking, I have come up with my contingency gameplan for what I will do if the dollar keeps rising like the NASA space-launch Puplava hoped would first happen for our juniors:

Since the dollar is gaining against all other currencies, roughly 10% per month, at this rate, by my estimation in a few years we will see the following exchange rates:

1 USD = 1,500 EUR

1 USD = 1,000 GBP

1 USD = 2,000 CAD


Since by then the gold price will be back to the pre-FED 1914 value of $15/oz, and all my juniors will have gone bankrupt, I will only have about $100 to my name...

I will simply expatriate to one of the above countries, that through their obvious gross monetary mismanagement, did not heed the wise practices of the FED, and refused to print more dollars despite the well-known fact that new freshly-printed dollars get more valuable. My paltry $100 will be so valuable that I will live like a king (although not Eric King: he did not save his last $100 because he was too busy trying to find new ways to back up a truck that has no tires, no wheels, no axels, and in fact is not a truck at all, but is actually a goat that just eats everything you put in front of it and turns it all into crap-- silly Eric). With my one shiny Benjamin bill, I will spend the rest of my days in one of these countries, sipping Malbec.

I would have gone to Argentina, Baires, but my $100 will not even buy 1 Argentine peso by then, the way Argentina is printing money.


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