Message: Early Oct excerpt from Arch Crawford's newsletter

Early Oct excerpt from Arch Crawford's newsletter

posted on Oct 23, 2008 01:55PM

We have quoted THIS warning over the last few months:

We have been Bullish on Assets in the Ground and particularly


since April 4, 2001. We are now becoming a bit

more skeptical about much more immediate continuation in the Inflation Hedges,

looking instead for a few more weeks, and possibly

months in correctional phases.

The long term, multi-year Bull Market in REAL things is probably not over, but

this correction is liable to

be longer and deeper than previously experienced.

We judged that the exponential blow-off moves were carried too far recently, and


require a more protracted retracement period in both time and price.

OCT 3 = Mars enters Scorpio. Diplomacy Fails and Bloodlust begins! Damage through War, Accident, Volcanic explosions.

OCT 5-8 = Excruciating amount of planetary energy release – Good and Bad – powerful!

OCT 10 = Best bet for Market Crash, plus or minus 3 trading days! (October 7-15)

OCT 14 = Full Moon at 22 Aries 3 minutes after NYSE Close – More Market Intensity – Last Full & New Moons were biggest downs!

OCT 15 = Mercury returns to forward motion 6 minutes after NYSE Close – Some relief comes out of nowhere?!

OCT 17 = Maybe that relief rally carries into Option Expiration. If it follows 1987, it may Crash on Monday Oct. 20?!

OCT 24-28 = Best bet for a Market LOW?! Cover some short transactions – Maybe lightly positive from here for a bit. – Careful!

OCT 28 = New Moon at 6 Scorpio a couple hours after NYSE Close – New Beginnings?

NOV 1 = Neptune Direct Station = affects the Sea, Big OIL, Drugs, deception, the Catholic Church, the Black Race.

NOV 3 = Venus forms a T-Square with the Saturn/Uranus opposition – Negative for stocks, Unsociable!

NOV 4 = Another WEIRD ELECTION (If we have one) 1


of 5 oppositions of Saturn to Uranus =

Bitter battle Conservative vs. Radical – that will go on for two years! Mars squares Neptune = Angry, destructive voters?

NOV 13 = Full Moon forms a T-Square with Neptune! GOLD, OIL sharply higher but may be a TOP!

ATTENTION: The CP newsletters are usually mailed 1

st Monday. Next may be Monday, November 10th.


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