Message: Butler's Latest

If your neighbor had to foreclose on his house and the bank sold it for 20% of its value, and you live in a similar house, does that mean your house has also lost that much value?

People are FORECLOSING ON THEIR GOLD SHARES right now. They are selling them because they have to, not because this is the true value.

If you buy a good house at a good price and are happy with it, and two years later someone buys that newly foreclosed house next door, do you kick yourself in the butt thinking you SHOULD HAVE KNOWN that someone would foreclose in the future???

Of course not! No one in their right minds would expect to buy a foreclosed home in such a fundamentally good neighborhood.

The myopic view here is quite astonishing today. I can't believe how many people are jumping out of buildings because their neighbor is foreclosing.

If you are a student of truth and understand that 5000 years of monetary history is not going to be thrown out the window because of a few months of rallying fiat dollars, I commend you.

If not, if you really think paper dollars are on the start of a new multi-year bull market, why are you even bothering to post here anymore? Sell your gold, get your dollars while they are cheap, and live happily ever after!


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