I don't know how much they have, it could be 4.5, or 2.5 What's important to me is that they keep plugging along on the EA and benchmarks towards a permit, get the mine designed, figure out the engineering and geology and get on with a feas. Cutting back exploraiton to conserve cash is OK, as long as there's no temporal slippage.
One thing is for sure, which I did not comment on earlier tonight, they truly are frugal. The office is not like those other Howe street stock-hyping types which have flash offices and investor relations hype. Their office as more like an office for a penny-pinching old 50's type of book-keeper, like the Bailey saivings and loan, where every penny goes into building something real. This impression was what I took from my site tour last August as well.
Finding gold, inexpensively, being frugal and steadily moving along towards having a producign gold mine....that's the core competency I have bought into.