Message: Shareholder Right's Plan


I think one of us has misunderstood the other and I'm not sure which way is which. While Jim said that generally he is opposed to these plans I (felt/sensed/perhaps imagined) the following

1.) "because it limits buyout opportunities" such as I feel he wishes to achieve with Kimber and perhaps some of his other holdings. But I think he like we would like to see Tyhee become a mine because that will make shareholders some serious money. Especially with Tyhee as it has the potential to be a district play with perhaps over ten million ounces (just a guess on my part) once it really gets going and can internally finance some serious exploration.

2.) it also tends to "lock in management"; we remember the problems Kimber had with management (but here again I think both he and we want to see not only Tyhee become a mine but the current management team be in charge of the doing of it).

So I am on your side, I want to see Tyhee as a mine with Dave Webb and the current crew in charge.

The reason I felt his answer was "clever" was that he gave his general reasons for being against Shareholder Rights Plans with the knowledge that Tyhee owners would know he considers Tyhee an exception. Even if I read him wrong (certainly a possibility) I think Tyhee shareholders benefit from the plan because it should help us to get to own a part of a mine as we both wish.


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