Message: "This is it"...from Jim Sinclair....note 'deficit' in usa

"This is it"...from Jim Sinclair....note 'deficit' in usa

posted on May 20, 2009 05:00PM


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Dear Friends,

This is without a doubt the most important piece of information we will present to you this year. What you will read ahead addresses the pivot point of the literally thousands of missives we have posted here on JSMineset telling you this is coming. It is happening here and now. Be prepared and stay strong.

We are approaching the beginning of the final drama in this unfolding OTC derivative meltdown. This is the beginning period for the 5th leg of Alf Field's correct analysis.

This is the re-acceleration of the long down wave in Martin Armstrong's Business Cycle Analysis. This is the approach of the acceleration of the gold price into my price objective of $1650 by January 14, 2011.

Click here to view today's US Dollar Chart...

Sure the US dollar will be defended at the .8100 level that has been put out there as support by the major investment banks TA departments, but it will not reverse what is now in place.

Yes, the COMEX gang is too short of gold for it to launch here, so the battle to prevent it will be Titanic, yet fail miserably and soon.

You can see the shorts of the junior gold shares doing everything known to mankind, from dirty tricks to pounding on any small gold reaction to destroy share prices, but they too will fail miserably and soon.

All the paper gold and share demons will accomplish is an increase in their short positions. They will not get the panic selling follow through to cover that they so desperately want.

Listen to Alf Fields in 2005:

Click here to view the video...

We are on the cusp of Alf Field's 5th Wave of his gold price projection. It will follow directly along the lines of the Armstrong timing as a result of Sentiment in the US dollar moving into its major down leg NOW.

Major ONE up from $256 to approximately $750 (a Fibonacci 3 times the $255 low)

Major TWO down from $750 to $500 (a serious decline of 33%);

Major THREE up from $500 to $2,500 (a Fibonacci 5 times the $500 low);

Major FOUR down from $2,500 to $2,000 (another serious decline);

Major FIVE up from $2,000 to $6,000 (also a 3 fold increase, same as ONE)

A case can be made for an 8 fold increase in Major FIVE, which would continue the Fibonacci sequence 3, 5, 8. You can do the math if you like, but the fact is you can pick your own number for the gain in Major FIVE. Three times the low of $2,000 was actually the conservative expectation, producing a bull market peak target of $6,000.

Click here to view Armstrong's Chart...

Martin Armstrong's business sentiment cyclical analysis suggest that on or slightly after May 18th the underlying problems that have been overshadowed by media reports of green shoots will again impact the mind of the marketplace.

That is in perfect accord with the US dollar taking out major support in the .8100 - .8200, giving respect to the fact that major Forex traders are convinced that .8100 means something that it does not.

You ask why now?

The following chart of "The Recession Hits the Treasury" is the revelation of the impact of the Formula that now has become apparent to major money sources.

In summary, It Is Now and all positions should be held, putting trading on HALT.

Click here to view today's "Recession Hits The Treasury" chart...
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