Hyperinflation is seldom a worsening case of bad inflation. Hyperinflation almost always starts from times like we are experiencing now with exceesive debt and exceesive money printing and falling prices on assets that have been badly overvalued or overpriced. As these come back toward reality some shout deflation.
It isn't the money priniting that actually causes the hyperinflation, that follows as the only option left but the actual onset is a loss of confidence in the currency. It is the collective understanding that they have been printing money, they are now printing money, and they are going to keep on printing money. It is usually a fairly sudden event like someone flipping a switch in the public mind. Once that occurs no one wants to hold the currency; the monetary velocity goes ballistic. At that point the system is beyond recovery. The unending money printing goes on to its inevitable conclusion such as in Weimar and Zimbabwe.