From what I see and can figure out, at, on July 31, 2009, Sprott Asset Management had 21,985,204 shares of TDC. 15,812,352 were added sometime before that date. The average price per share is 0.145 or a total value of $3,188,000.00 which represents 0.80 % of the fund.
I can have a look at Sedar and see what it says later on. However, Sprott's are invested in a lot of mining companies and looking at this report it appears they have sold a good number of other companies; whether to take the profit or the loss and place the remaining cash elsewhere? . . . I don't know.
The 0.145 average cost per share tells me they haven't been in TDC all that long . . . I could be wrong on that part, but the addition of 15.8 million shares tells me something might be coming up . . . hopefully the stock price . . . either way it's hard to say other than it's worth having some in your portfolio. Even at that you must be very patient with this one.
Now then, if TDC's properties were in Quebec then it would be a different story, I would think . . . which is unfortunate, but that's the way she goes . . . so it seems.