Message: The day 3 SMA meet and Tyhee moves up....

Re: The day 3 SMA meet and Tyhee moves up....

posted on Nov 23, 2009 08:24PM

To all but in response to GWTW,

I certainly hope you are correct in your stock price projections as it will lift all our spirits. To the extent I can project Tyhee, I tend to agree with your numbers.

1. When I clicked on your link I got a very generic looking TDC.V chart.

2. Perhaps you tried this but things didn't work out (stuff happens). But after creating a chart, notice on the line next to "annotate" the "linkable version" button . If you select that and then copy the link in your browser after it resets the chart, all (at least those who have accounts with Stockcharts.com) should be able to see the chart pretty much as created.

3. My own work with $GOLD (Tyhee has too little input for my style of analysis) suggests that gold may hit $1225 very soon (early Dec.) and then trade sideways for a month or more trading as low as perhaps $1150 or so. It then begin its final ascent for wave 3 of III to 1650 in approximately mid 2010. In so saying, I am only confirming what Jim Sinclair said some time ago, (except he did not provide interim dates, he just said before Jan 11, 2011 if I remember the January number correctly). I am amazed that he came to these conclusions so very long ago. He offered to bet a million dollars on the outcome to anyone who wanted to take the other side as long as they could put up the money to be held by an independent party. From my point of view, one does not bet against "Mr. Gold."

4. What follows that is of course the wave 4 of III correction and then the 5th of III which should take us to better than $2000/oz. and ultimately the large degree fifth wave (wave V)where the public gets involved to a significant degree and whatever inflationary effects money printing adds to that.

When dealing with commodities the 5th wave is often the equivalent of the 3rd wave and sometimes exceeds it. In this case the opportunity for exceeding the 3rd wave is nearly assured as the final wave will not only be driven by greed but also fear which is even a stronger emotion. We're in for a wild ride in the next few years.


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