Message: Breaking out, Tyhee issues and value of this forum

Breaking out, Tyhee issues and value of this forum

posted on Nov 25, 2009 08:22PM

its been a long time coming! the price movement was awesome, it makes one feel all warm inside especially since I double downed my investment at .12. that is never easy to do but it looks like this stock is on the move. I have couple of assiciates looking at this investment now.

Just a side note after catching up on all the posts and being a bit ammused at the back and forth. I think that is healthy and good to push or challenge each other to look harder at our investment. Some of the PR worry might be overdone but the finance issues mentioned are the most important challenge and concern with this company. They could find half the gold on the face of the earth but if they over dilute the shares this baby wont be worth a darn. I am a finance guy and if they blow the financing it will be of no use to keep investing. In Real Estate its location location location, in stock investments its revenue and share structure, and debt structure. If you want to know why Microsoft has done nothing for a decade its that they issued way to many shares, (employee options), and the revenue cant keep up or grow fast enough to make the shares more valuable.

Tyhee has the gold now, they have to pull off the financing in a time frame that does not over dilute the share structure if they are going it alone. Tursk is right finance finance finance. Baries is right on about the bankable prefeasablity. Get the bank loan without diluting more and we have solved our biggest risk. That means Skeleg 's time line he gave to us is vital, pull it off and we are all rich. It all sounds boring but its the key going forward. This is why this forum is so vital everyone brings to the table information that paints a clear picture of what this investment is all about. Lets keep the information coming and not get offended if someone pops there cork once in a while. There is still risk in this investment and alot of us have alot of dough invested in this project, so emotions are going to come to the surface at times, lets just understand it happens when you have skin in the game, and not take it personal. I personally appreciate the information and debate on this forum. Thank you to all.

PS the soaring price of gold can mask alot of mistakes and set backs, lets hope it keeps heading upward.

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