Message: Conflicting Messages - Nervous?


If you can't call a top for yourself you really shouldn't be trading in this market. Please do not misunderstand me, I am not saying you shouldn't be in the market.

Gold is one of, if not, the hardest of all markets to trade. Even experts get slaughtered in this market. If you pay someone for an opinion, they will give you one; but it probably won't be worth the price.

There are three tools that Jim Sinclair posted on his website and included in his 1st compendium. If you learn how to use these properly, you will be better than most of the newsletter writers; but I still wouldn't "trade" this market (that is gold the metal or the junior miners).

Even if you time the gold market perfectly the juniors dance to a slightly different beat. They, themselves, don't have enough action on a consistent basis to make for good technical analysis. That may change in the future, but what we can look back upon now is nearly meaningless. That is why I prefer to use a simplistic approach. I use moving average EMA 65 (weekly) or EMA 325 (daily) to tell when a stock has shifted from a bear phase to a bull phase. If the stock is wildly volatile I'll increase the period a bit to EMA 80(weekly) and EMA 400 (daily). When the average is inclining, the stock price is above the line, and has succesfully tested the line you establish your position in steps; buying the successive successful retests. Respect that moving average line. If you are forced out losses will be small. After your position is fully established even if you are driven out you will likely have a decent profit. FORGET ABOUT TOPS AND BOTTOMS if you wish to be successful. There are a rare few that can make money cutting things closer than the above guidance. They have nerves of steel, watch the screen constantly, have excellent information, and plenty of money to push a small market around a bit. Nobody on this board qualifies to the best of my knowledge.

The indications are that Tyhee is making the transition right now. Enjoy the ride as the trend will probably continue for two or more years. Sure it will have its corrections along the way, but the as long as the trend line is unbroken just sit back and smile.

Many of us are slightly underwater at this point, having bought earlier and having failed to respect that line when it was broken. Many averaged down when the stock was being given away. Those positions are now positive and the remainder of our positions will become positive somewhere on this run. In a costly way I have learned to respect the line. If I had sold, I could have rebought at the low many, many more shares than I currently hold.


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