Over the last couple of years, when things posted here have been, or seemed to have been, very inaccurate or even slanderous, I've asked Dr. Webb what he thought.
Dave has ALWAYS been quick to respond and as helpful as he could be in answering my questions. Not a surprise, since he is famous for this rare and exceptional quality among C.E.O's and Corporate Officers I've tried and failed to contact, e.g., Romarco.
There have even been occasions when I'd get an unsolicited email from him concerning something posted here that he felt needed to be clarified.
Dave apparently reads much from our Forum and seems to be very interested in seeing that what is written here does not hurt Tyhee, in so far as it is FALSE or misleading.
I have never heard him say anything about opinions stated that condemn Tyhee when they didn't involve fabrications.
As Calmlyrational once observed, this Forum seems to him like a "herd of cats".
Whereas, I sometimes see us as a vast kennel of barking dogs, with Webb nearby to help keep us from savaging ourselves.