Message: gold

"How many weak holders of gold will still be there at 1028?"

What follows is not a contradiction of Dan Norcini's article but rather the logical outcome of it.

It is highly unlikely any investor will ever have to be there; with the possible exception of a complete rout in the euro. If that should occur the dollar will go up and gold can be attacked in U.S. dollars.

However such an event would be a wake-up call to the whole world. Further, the price of gold in both the Euro and Pound would have risen significantly; far above the new all time highs that have been recently set.

While some fools might sell out of their gold positions it will be obvious to all by then that the U.S. is in no better, if not far worse, shape than Euroland. MOPE (management of perception - economics) only works for just so long. The condition of the U.S. becomes ever more obvious to the world daily and the citizens of the U.S. increasingly know they are being lied to by their government at every turn of the road. When the bottom falls out of this dollar rally (which the commercials are continually shorting with ever larger positions as its price increases) the dollar in its turn sinks like a lead weight in a vacuum.

Gold then, with all other commodities including food and water, goes to the moon relative to most paper currencies. Chaos starts to erupt almost everywhere, then most likely comes the one world government and major currency adjustments. Its actions will be shocking and futile.


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