Message: gold

Thanks to you both strike and gone......... .

I will take the time to read this as I respect Martin's opinion greatly. It could be that Martin's methods with cycles foresee the unknowable which is how bad the Euro situation could become; unless there are other downward forces on gold which I have missed.

This is not beyond the realm of possibility as those short the dollar (the commercials) are undeterred and joyous when people start buying (going long) into their shorts. They just keep adding more and more to their position as they have virtually limitless pockets.

When the market turns all those shorts will be profitable. Until then, they are ecstatic that the dollar is going up as it causes a fall in gold price which will allow them to get out of their shorts (which many allege are unprofitable), profitably or with minimal damage.

The bankers don't trade they way the average investor does and I am not at all convinced their positions on the Comex are in jeopardy (follow the posts of Stewart Thomson Graceland Updates and the Pyramid Generator). Obviously more paper gold has been sold than exists in the physical world and someone is in line for some serious hurt. I just don't know that it is the positions on the Comex that are "underwater." Bankers don't trade that way, but they do have an interest in low gold prices.

Hence, whatever the driver proves to be the bankers will be supporting (with MOPE) all the worst for the Euro until the market can't be milked for any more; then they will profitably allow nature to take its course and start attacking the dollar verbally. The lapdog media will be their aiding friends. Yes that will cause gold to rise but they will do their best to deflect any attention from that unfortunate circumstance; while they do their best to profit from that move as well. As gold nears the next high (1270's to 1400) they will begin putting out their unending line of shorts of gold until the market turns their way and they can start ringing the cash register on the way down.

They allow the gold price to rise when "resistance is futile" (star trek pun intended) and work with gusto to force the price down when the wind is at their back. Its a moneymaking recipe if I ever saw one.

What one as a gold investor should never do is allow oneself to be taken out of his position by their aggressive and manipulative tactics. If one MUST trade (very few succeed), know their tactics and imitate them. Just be aware that they are master traders and send out many false top and false bottom signals to separate you from your insurance.


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