Message: Another Short Term Take on Gold Stocks

Re: Another Short Term Take on Gold Stocks

posted on Apr 20, 2010 08:28AM

"I'm primarily a trend guy myself, but they fail too."

Use a long term weekly chart, i.e. a 10 year chart. The main trend generated by wave 1 to a high of 1126 is still intact. We have additionally (in wave 3) started a power uptrend which, itself, remains intact (Nov 08 until present).

Add to that the huge inverse head and shoulders formation (which is undergoing fulfillment toward the 1300 area). It has been mirrored or mimmicked by another such inverse H&S with a neckline from Nov. 09 thru Mar 10. It also is in the process of undergoing fulfillment. Both are projecting the near 1300 range. Relax, it will happen, the financial world is falling apart at the seams.

This, unfortunately, will be followed by chaos among the masses as governments steal everything left to the common people, including their dignity. The currency will become even more debased as governments continue to throw "paper" at the problem. When all that "paper" catches on fire (and it will) peoples trust will go to only things tangible. At that time a sad irony may take place, gold and silver will have attained the prices we all hope for; but they will not be able to buy what people really need.


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