I may be wrong, but from what I recall of some discussions with DW and with others about Tyhee, the core competency of Tyhee was not just finding gold inexpensively, but also that Tyhee and DW have more experience with underground mining than with exploration. So what Roger contributed with his drilling experience may have been essential during the early stages of tyhee, finding gold by drilling, based on tyhees geological DNA theory about the Yellowknife gold camp.
Now, in transitionto buidlign a mine and expanding the resources with undergournd drilling, I sure hope DW is staying at the helm, as this really woudl be his forte. The gap in experience, if there is one that can be filled by the large void left by Roger, would be mine development and operations, or finance.
My bet is DW is staying the course and will be CEO for another decade or longer. Someone from the Canadian mining circles, with a fairly recent mine under his or her belt, would be ideal. If they are also on the board of anohter company, so much the better.
We should know soon enough, I suspect.