Message: Tyhee Should Accept the Best Buyout Offer NOW, Vote YES

Should Tyhee accept a Joint Venture (JV) soon, even if Webb thinks going it alone is better?

Some might ask, who would benefit more from a JV: Dave Webb, personally, Tyhee, or us, (we?) the shareholders?

Without knowing the details of such a hypothetical offer, these questions, to say the least, are difficult to answer. So perhaps it's silly to even ask.

But in my defense, I was just wondering how YOU think a JV, would benefit us, since it seems to me (an unsophisticated investor with more questions than answers) that the only other benefit Tyhee would see, other than the market's raised confidence in Tyhee's financial security going forward, would be to put more rigs in the field, which would presumably raise the resource ounces faster. ( Remember, with 5 rigs over a year, Romarco increased it resources by nearly a million ounces?)

But, as I see it, more money wouldn't speed up the permitting process or make delivery of its PFS or FS any earlier than if a JV's two or three more rigs is worth that Venture?

On the other hand, I can imagine a few significant impediments to Tyhee's development should another company partner-up to our favorite Yellowknife junior. Does anyone else see downside here?

Bottom line, for now, if you think Tyhee should accept a JV now, please vote YES by recommending this post.

Or, if not, in the next post, please VOTE YES with your recommendation.

Thank you,


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