Message: Tyhee Should Accept the Best Buyout Offer NOW, Vote YES

Hi Hammerud: I see your problem, the value of gold per ounce in the ground for a company is simply the market cap of the company divided by the number of ounces reported by the company in its projects. In Tyhee's case the value of each ounce is $20. So if the value of Tyhee's gold per ounce was $80, as it is for other similar companies, you can see that Tyhee's market cap would also rise by a factor of 4, and so would the share price since the number of shares and the number of reported ounces remains constant. The low price of each ounce for Tyhee is difficult to understand unless you consider there is some manipulation going on, something the market knows that shareholders don't know about the company, or if there is some serious problem that makes it more difficult for Tyhee to start a mine. I think the first option is likely, there is probably some manipulation, by whom is not clear, the second question whether the market knows something we don't - hinges mainly on whether we trust Dave Webb and the Board, which I think the consensus is that we do, and the third is a potential self fulfilling prophecy because starting a mine is only more difficult for Tyhee if the share price remains low, because then financing of a mine will be more difficult and share dilution will be greater. This is why some of us think it is extremely important to raise the share price - and therefore the value of each ounce of gold in the ground - before we get financing for the next phase of development. It is quite simple once you get the hang. Best to you, Ike

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