Message: Baires where are you?

Glad to hear that you have not passed over the golden bridge. A broken rib is bad enough.

The pattern that has emerged here with TDC and other TSX Venture stocks is that the recent selling we have witnessed has accomplished its goal: to push the share price lower while not maximizing their return. As painful as this is short-term, hopefully the shares end up in strong hands and will not to be traded at the first sign of profit. The general mkt has not been a buy and hold experience but to trade the mini cycles for a short-term profit.

A manipulated market like we have experienced the last decade or so is tough to read. Since TDC is not an operating mine with positive cash flow we will continue to be disappointed until we can place a value to the shares. I am well aware that ounces of gold in the ground is all well and good but if they are not unlocked then the value will not be recognized.

I still hold my position and have never sold a share.

An update on my gold and silver survey: fewer positive responses to ownership than before. This may be that I spend summer and fall in VT where the vast majority of people still believe that the Messiah is in the White House. All is well as they will be showered with entitlements: why do they need Gold? Nobodys fails.

To be fair, my last survey was completed back home in BC where the average person does not identify with a political ideology or rely on a government cheque. There is even an operating gold mine within the boundaries of the nearest city. They rise and fall with commodity prices.

Conclusion: the educated investor is in to some degree but the great unwashed are just hoping for the next government program so they can survive. Reality is cruel!


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