Message: PP Closed

Based on now having raised $7 million, and assuming the DAR submission will not be

completed until the end of Feb or even into March (my own guess), I wondered about

when the Full Feas will be initiated and when completed. I'm sure we'll see an update

on these issues at some point in the next few months, but for what it's worth, I expect

they'll not do the Feas until they have the drill results at Clan as well as a few deeper

drills under the Ormsby deposit. The reson beign that it would be advantageous to

have a few sexy deep intercepts demonstrating the resource expansion possibilities

at depth, at a deposit that is included in the EA/DAR Terms of Reference. The added

resource at clan lake will also need to be in hand before completion of Ful Feas,

as it will go into the financial calculations for the entire project, including resources

not yet included in the permit process. Also, with the price of gold doing a good 10%

correction from the new highs, very good and necessary, it may several months to break through to new highs. Given that August is usually a good month for gold, I personally hope that the Ful Feas is not completed until next summer, so that it comes out when Gold is at new all time highs, over $1,400.

So much can be accomplished in the interim, especially if the DAR is well received by GNWT, and Tyhee can focus on wrapping up and issues that flow from the EA/Permit\

process. that way, next fall, say this time next year, they will be close to permit,

with expanded resources, improved economics, higher price of gold, and a few good deep pokes below the Ormsby resource. Imagine if they hit higher grades, as expeced based on historical data at Discovery.

In the man time, I gues I'll have to keep myself amused by that programmed trading. It really does seem to be cutting out the middle. Genuine trading activity now has to be below or above this locked-down price.

Have any of you been able to buy 500 shares from that program trader, or is he

really playering with hisself?


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