Message: Old Tyhee Shares

"I also told them that if I do not receive a quick resolution to this situation, I would be writing letters to the SEC, the attorney general in NY and letters of complaint to the company and JD Powers and my Senator and Congressmen.....

I suggest that each of you do the same....I was firm but not abusive...."

I also use Scottrade. Scottrade is, if I remember correctly, a private company. I.e their shares do not trade on a public exchange. I consider this an immense positive. They are not part of the "good ole boy" network. As a result, they pretty much must do things by the book.

In this current situation that may make things difficult for us who use them. But, again this is my opinion, if there is a nefarious reason behind this delay... other brokers offering to buy shares or trading as though there were no reason to stop doing so may found to be allied with those who caused the problem. I do not believe Scottrade would be so involved.

I agree and am happy that you are pressing for answers but I think if the truth ever comes out... the delay will be found to have originated with those empowered to protect us little guys.

One famous person once said with reference to human governments, "Government will not solve the problem; government is the problem." His name was Ronald Reagan and he had enough familiarity with government to know whereof he spoke.


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