Message: Higher and Higher

Higher and higher go the gold and silver prices.

The gold producers and the solid junior companies continue to sink lower or stagnate at best.

These companies are supposed to be leveraged plays on the metals market yet they still mysteriously disappoint in spite of the diligent concerns of the SEC and other regulatory agencies to provide "honest" markets.

And people still vote for politicians hoping they will clear up the problems. Ha....hah, hah hah....hah, hah, hah. The naivete is unbelieveable. People who have power or money as their life's goal, i.e. politicians, are absolutely the worst individuals to have as rulers. In at least 90% of the cases, if someone is running for government office, it is a sure sign that they will cause more harm than good. The perhaps 10% who are reasonably good people are overwhelmed. Their intentions to do good die with them before any good can be done. If ever there was a long term trend to invest in it is that government will make things worse.

The fact that the share volume per transaction is beginning to increase is a hopeful sign that this endless suppressive action might end; but I wouldn't try holding my breath.

As for political solutions, I repeat, "Government can't/won't fix the problem; government is the problem."

When and if the shares of the mining companies are turned loose from the endless (possibly government sponsored) hedge fund shorting, the results will truly be stunning. I should not be surprised to see doubles on a monthly basis and in some cases even quicker than that once the dam breaks.


Apr 15, 2011 06:05PM
Apr 15, 2011 07:52PM

Apr 20, 2011 02:04AM
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