Message: Re: I'm still searching for a better adjective than "absurd" but no luck yet

I M (not always humble as it should be) O

The market is not waiting for anything Tyhee does or does not do with respect to mining.

Tyhee has stunning properties, ample resources, and excellent management as you accurately describe.

The market is waiting to see if Tyhee will survive the obstacle course the bankers / market makers / deaf, dumb, blind, and hired market regulators put in front of it.

Yes! Your description of the situation is perfect. ABSURD

We live in the midst of a culture that takes great pleasure in dishonoring and causing pain to one another for financial gain. A culture which no longer understands concepts like cooperation and harmony. The culture that promotes this absurdity and all who support it had best enjoy it while they still have time. They will (all too soon from their perspective) be removed from the face of this earth. What a colossal waste of the opportunity of life.

Whether Tyhee succeeds or fails in the obstacle course will be fascinating to watch; it has, however, nothing to do with success in life. A man's enjoyment of life and success in it has very little to do with money.

It is those quaint customs like honesty, fellow feeling, forgiveness, and just taking the time to get to really know one another that makes life special.


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