Message: Positive factors affecting TDC

This list can be added by others. It is not in order of importance.

1 Regardless of the outcome of the Debt ceiling impasse, the US still needs to borrow more

2 Historical presence of mining in Tyhee's holdings

3 Large investment by respected parties

4 Energy costs will likely be capped at $150 per barrel (demand destruction) while gold rises from $1600

5 Under-valued share price for ounces in the ground

6 FS is being worked on as while a new key employee is brought on board to facilitate a mine

7 Favourable news releases possibly leading to more analyst coverage

(please add to list)

I too have been adding to my TDC position but only with surplus funds from positive silver trades. My goal is to reach the 1% class in the next few months if possible. I have not sold a share yet. I am a very risk adverse investor but have been invested in Silver and Gold since 1999. They make up 80% of my investable funds.

"Time is finite while money is infinite". Think about that for awhile and PM's will look really good going forward. I have been providing funds for various ventures the last few years. Equity, interest and warrants. Never interest alone as the time value destroys the principal. As money was tight the interest rate was very good while I could borrow at prime. The smart financial players have been in PM's for some time. They know history and the effect of fiat currencies.

We as a group could approach Dave about a PP if we had enough interest. He may need some funds in the not too distant future. Just a hunch.

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