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It seems you do not understand me. This is true of many people who have read my posts on this board. I come from an entirely different perspective.

I am not opposed to business nor investment; they have their place. It is how many beneficial undertakings have gotten their start. It is not wrong to profit from backing such ventures.

I have no interest whatsoever nor am I swayed, except in the negative, by statements like the following.

"...businessmen all the way, seeking to turn their business sense into a fortune (hey,'The American Way'..."

The "American way" was to give blankets infected with smallpox to the native inhabitants of the land mass we now call North America. They conquered the "simple" (perhaps I should say "naive and trusting") people with deception and advanced weaponry. And then they stole their land and way of life. Co-exisiting harmoniously with such people apparently never entered their mind. America (i.e. the United States) has nothing to brag about. It is as sick as any other human government that has ruled over this earth.

Nothing has changed since then. The United States are still the "bullies" of the world. They have military bases all over the world in order to get what they want at advantageous prices relative to the rest of the world. No human government has ever become "great" without doing so on the bodies of those whom they have conquered, killed, or held in squalor.

Hopefully that puts "the American Way" in it's proper historical perspective.

I am "turned off" by swelling speeches signifying nothing. As I said in an earlier post, I will sign off for a while."

Please allow me to do so without the continual references to me.


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