Message: Newmont's move

Do any of you believe this person's opinion has any bearing/weight? The author had poor grammar choices; therefore I attempted to clean it up.

best regards,

"This could be HUGE folks.

From (TFmetalsreport) (http://www.tfmetalsreport.com/blog/2445/knife-catcher?page=6)

People, this is rather serious.

Yesterday morning Newmont (which new highed in an appalling market) introduced a revolutionary security, unprecedented in the history of markets.

A precious metals hedge , with not just a yield but an escalating dividend tied and mandated mathematically to the commodity, . I have done this for 45 years, this is very new. So that if gold went to 2500, as it well might, Newmonts dividend, is now 4. 70, and the stock is a quintuple. There has never been a board mandated escalating dividend , tied to the commodity in the history of markets.

Three hours ago Hecla Silver did the same, it starts at 12 cents, same bat time, same bat channel. The lift is stunning.

This will spread and those algos naked short billions of our PM shares are now royally wrecked. It was going to happen somehow, well it just did my friends, go look at the Hecla chart, and be sick, and after you wipe that up, sell your what you have AND buy that stock blind...... the algo short game ended Monday Am its finally over. Once a decade they give away money on wall street. its generally advisable to take when proffered. This is wild country, billions of trapped shorts, govern yourself as you see fit.

These propellor head crooks that have wrecked the PM stocks with their chickenlike hedges, are about to be made dry, they are naked short, for many years we have been trying to beat this fierce algo trade, namely long the metals and naked short the stocks. It has killed the PM stocks since 2009. It ended yesterday morning, watch hecla and say ????? Thats naked shorts covering, and it will spread into the sector daily. Deliverance just descended.

Buy a PM stock, and you forego yield, thats the historical tradeoff. And its intimidating as we know. But you put a commodity based dividend on that thing, you have the job of the century. This is serious gals n guys, these thieves now have to cover, you watch them scramble, look at HUI today" -author unknown

Sep 20, 2011 06:21PM
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