Message: Clarity


Thank you for your posts regarding GT: they reinforce my fear that Tyhee management is being pulled in a direction that is not in the best interest of long-term shareholders, and one that is certainly not consistent with the strategy long expressed by Dave Webb.In context of Tyhee’s reserves and resources, and the continuing appreciation in the POG; selling-out at 40 cents is just a giveaway to the buyer. Yes, it might be a quick return on those who have recently bought in the 10-15 cent range, but it would also be a betrayal of long-term shareholders who have held-on to their shares through some rather bleak times with the goal, as expressed by Dave Webb, that they will one day be the owners of a producing mine.In short, we long-term shareholders want to realize the gain on the gold we hold in the ground; not give-it-away to some newcomer, just as the lengthy permitting and feasibility pre-production work is concluding! And, if any Tyhee Board member were to receive shares or accept a job from the buying organization, I would say the grounds for conflict of interest would be substantial.

I obviously have no special insight on what Tyhee management is planning, and hear-say is not hard evidence, so I don’t want to be too judgemental at this point; however, I think it is crucial that we long-term shareholders now express our sharp disapproval of selling-out at anything like 40 cents to Tyhee management, including on this forum, which I know they monitor.

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