All of this talk of a buyout or takeover has been an interesting distraction, but I think it is off the mark.
What I see happening is that Sonnerich, Black & Interinvest needed the BOD to remove the shareholders rights plan so that they can keep pumping cash into Tyhee. If they are doing this by exercising warrants (brought in at least 600,000) to keep things moving along without doing a PP, then this could actually be very good for us shareholders.
So if I am right, they are committed to moving this to production. There must be some key newsworthy event after which share value will be higher, and a PP can be done without liquidating the share price (say 25 cents or higher). Sometime in the next few moths.
In my scneario, S, B & I become domniant sharehodlers but our interests are well served. Hope this is close to reality. We will know soon enough, i rekon.