Message: No Analyst Covers Tyhee: TDC Under The Radar!!!

Well, almost no analyst covers Tyhee. That is, unless you consider Loewen, Ondaatje, McCutcheon & Company an analyst. They've been reporting on Tyhee for a couple of years and, by the way, missing their TDC price target last year. As it looks now, their 30 cent TDC target for January 2012 might just be a bit of a stretch unless something big happens in the next few months, that is, with all due respect to Hansix's upcoming target due date, thank you.

Try Googling Tyhee Gold Corp analyst coverge and see if you find anything. I couldn't.

Other developers have coverage. For example,

Romarco Minerals has six:

BMO Capital Markets,
CIBC World Markets
GMP Securities
National Bank Financial
Paradigm Capital Inc.

RBC Capital

Spanish Mountain (no FS yet) has two:

CFA Jennings Capital Inc

CFA M Partners, Toronto

Tyhee has zero.

I don't know how a junior developer goes about getting analyst coverage. But, I'll bet Greg Taylor and Jay Bedard (Tyhee's IR guys) know. Maybe they can tell us?

Ps. A couple of years ago, as I recall, the last time Mr. Morgan wrote about Tyhee in his newsletter,he trashed it. Oddly, he didn't give any specific reasons for his negative opinion. This is why I'm looking forward to the day Tyhee is covered by analysts, i.e., Coverage with accountability.

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