Message: Quacky, TDC has a floor of 0.09
Quacky As we discussed, TDC has a floor of 0.09 on the Alpha ATS exchange. Can not vouch for the TMX or the pinks. Do not chase the stock. Time is on our side. We will be able to accumulate at this level for awhile. I will of course attempt to obtain a lower price. I have lowered my ACB in the past month. I have recently skied with some suppliers to the mining industry here in BC (water tx, machinery). Nothing specific to report other than spending has jumped in 2011 and they expect next year to be better. Surprisingly, none had heard about Tyhee in the NWT. They usually invest in projects where they have some knowledge of increased activity. I knew about most of the local projects in the Interior Plateau but I was surprised to hear about the long timeframes for development. There apparently is a bottleneck in supplying some critical equipment but industry should be ramping up by the time Tyhee is placing orders. This is not my field so most of the nomenclature was Greek to me. I should mention that these industry suppliers do not invest until close to the financing for the mine is complete. They are usually the first to know as they receive a RFQ. They are not surprised that Tyhee has not performed as there as dozens of companies in Western Canada that are better plays short-term. They promised to keep me informed if they see the timing is right. These are either senior management or the owners of the companies so I trust they know what they are talking about. Quacky, hope you get some snow in Vermont soon. Next year we will spend the holidays at our home in Woodstock. Woody
Dec 07, 2011 02:24PM

Dec 07, 2011 02:27PM
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