Message: Von Mises: The collapse is inevitable

I know that I am preaching to the choir but Egon's article should re-inforce your need to hold Gold and Silver w/o any counterparty risks. I have followed him for years. Thanks to Harvey Organ for bringing Egon's latest essay to my attention.

The destruction of the curent world monetary system and individual countries is already baked in the cake (PIIGS. etc). Von Mises will be proven correct. Those who are not prepared will experience a drastic lowering of their standard of living. Period!

The miners should be an important piece of the pyramid but not the foundation. Debt instruments and other paper investments have tremendous counter-party risks and are subject to devaluation. I acknowledge that there are some investments of mine that will lose substantial value due to the re-organization when it occurs. All pensions are a bonus if they survive. Speculative stocks requiring funding may go to zero or be illiquid. Depends upon the time of the cycle. This call is similar to the call on Real Estate that I made in 2004. The math never lies. I have discussed this with far more intuitive minds than mine and they come to the same conclusion.

I believe that Tyhee may just pull it off before the funding window slams shut.

On another note it sure looks like Germany is having another go at control of Europe (round three in the past 100 years). This time economic supremacy and dominance comes not by military means but through monetary policy (the new warfare).

Sorry, I could not provide a direct link. Just highlight and drag to your search engine.



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